
For the past 6 weeks I have been doing mixture of cutting workouts, to eliminate the extra weight of my body and to look toned. Before I started I weighed 198. Everyone wants to become shredded but one of the most important elements of that is dieting. I would say that 90% of doing a shred based program is the dieting and the remaining 10% is the actual exercises. When you want to cut you usually intake a less amount of calories then when you would be bulking. But a shred diet is a difficult thing to master because it takes meal prep, calorie counting, etc. So I decide to try to limit the amount of sugar and carbohydrates I take in, instead of going crazy and doing an extreme diet. So I eliminated soda, desserts, only ate a limited amount of carbs/sugars, and I tried to eat more locally grown vegetables, and fresher foods, and avoided eating out. I basically only drank water, but a couple times I had Gatorade. I started to eat a lot of turkey whether it was turkey burgers or grounded turkey. I also found out that by making foods and trying out recipes, made the food that much better. Just by cutting sugars and limiting the amount of carbs I took in I have seen results throughout my body. I know weigh 189, and my friends have seen the differences. Overall my body has become more defined throughout these 6 weeks, so even just limiting sugars, carbs and just being more aware of what you are eating can help you lose weight.


Things to take away from this are to limit the amount of sugars you take in, try to  avoid soda and sugary drinks, and just watch what you eat.

Author: Mitchell

Aspiring Body Builder and Personal Trainer. I love helping others achieve their goals

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