The Importance of Eating a Healthy Breakfast

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Like every college student you don’t want to wake up early get breakfast then go to your class, you’d rather skip the breakfast sleep longer then go to class. I would say a good amount of students skip breakfast because they would prefer to sleep longer. But most students don’t know the value of eating a nutritious breakfast can do for your overall health. They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and rightfully so, eating a balanced breakfast can improve cognitive function especially memory. Healthy morning meals improve mood, concentration, blood glucose levels, and decrease your chances of getting diseases. Eating breakfast can also affect your body’s ability to control weight. Let’s say you skip breakfast one day, in a later meal you might overeat and you are more likely to crave fatty and sugary foods that can put you at risk of gaining weight. So just keep in mind that it’s better to have something quick like yogurt or a bagel for breakfast then just wait for lunch to be your first meal of the day.


Author: Mitchell

Aspiring Body Builder and Personal Trainer. I love helping others achieve their goals

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