Muscle Gainer Plan

If anyone is interested in gaining muscle, I just made 2  muscle building plans. The first which is a beginner/ intermediate plan and the other which is more advanced. I will follow the plan for about 2 months, then change it up a little bit.






For the past 6 weeks I have been doing mixture of cutting workouts, to eliminate the extra weight of my body and to look toned. Before I started I weighed 198. Everyone wants to become shredded but one of the most important elements of that is dieting. I would say that 90% of doing a shred based program is the dieting and the remaining 10% is the actual exercises. When you want to cut you usually intake a less amount of calories then when you would be bulking. But a shred diet is a difficult thing to master because it takes meal prep, calorie counting, etc. So I decide to try to limit the amount of sugar and carbohydrates I take in, instead of going crazy and doing an extreme diet. So I eliminated soda, desserts, only ate a limited amount of carbs/sugars, and I tried to eat more locally grown vegetables, and fresher foods, and avoided eating out. I basically only drank water, but a couple times I had Gatorade. I started to eat a lot of turkey whether it was turkey burgers or grounded turkey. I also found out that by making foods and trying out recipes, made the food that much better. Just by cutting sugars and limiting the amount of carbs I took in I have seen results throughout my body. I know weigh 189, and my friends have seen the differences. Overall my body has become more defined throughout these 6 weeks, so even just limiting sugars, carbs and just being more aware of what you are eating can help you lose weight.


Things to take away from this are to limit the amount of sugars you take in, try to  avoid soda and sugary drinks, and just watch what you eat.

Now I am Really Back

Since school is over I am going to try to post more often. I will be starting an 8 Week Program while also be focusing more on how I eat, and what I put into my body.  You can email me at for any tips or just trying to figure out a plan. I will post the 8 Week Program below.


Getting Lean


As Spring is approaching now is when you want to start getting cut for the summer months, the winter is for packing on muscle so to build muscle you are using heavier weight, well because spring is coming you want to lessen the weight you use for workouts but still make the weight you use challenging. Also you should start to incorporate running before or after your workout, because this will help you burn fat. Finally you want to decrease the amount of calories you take, which will help you not pack on any more fat that you do not want. Don’t forget to have a goal in mind of what you want your body to look like, because having this picture in your head will keep you motivated.

Over Training

Monday is Chest and Back. I’m going to take a page from Mike Rashid, Over training is a good thing. I will post the workout later but, I did this workout last week and I’ve never felt a pump like that in my life. For back I will be doing a CT Fletcher workout, and one part of the workout is called Death Row. To go back on Over Training, when you are workout out 3 sets of 8-12 might not be enough. When you feel like you can’t lift the bar anymore that’s when you should stop. Don’t just go through the motions. You want to feel your muscles cramping and tightening up. That’s when you know you had a good workout. Over Training is good.

Sunday Talk

Sunday I finally had my workout buddy left. I think that having someone to workout with is a great thing. I was extra motivated yesterday, rather than Saturday where I barely wanted to go. Everything is a competition, who can lift the most, whos the strongest etc. This is a great thing because you are going to see improvements because you are pushing yourself on every rep.





The reason why there is a low amount of reps is because you will gain more muscle, so when you do this you want to use a weight that you can easily manage and then move up each set. Don’t be afraid to challenge yourself


1 arm dumbell incline press- 5 sets/6 reps

2 arm dumbell incline press- 5 sets/6 reps

bench- 10 sets/4 reps

dumbell bech press- 5 sets/6 reps

1o chest dips between each break of sets

dumbell flyes- 5 sets/6 reps



Military Press- 10 sets/5 reps

Arnold Press- 6 sets/5 reps

Dumbell Shoulder Press- 6 sets/5 reps

Cable Shoulder Raises- 6 sets/6 reps

Preacher Curls- 6 sets/5 reps

Dumbell Curl- 6 sets/5 reps

Cable Curl- 6 sets/10 reps

Tricep Pull Downs- 6 sets/10 reps

Skull Crushers- 5 sets/ 10 reps